Don’t Expect A Huge Company Holiday Party This Year, Downsizing Is The Trend

It’s the season of work holiday parties, except it isn’t. With the recent economic crisis ongoing the work party is downsizing. This year won’t be beanie weanies but it also won’t feature caviar and champagne if your company is even handing out invites.

Restaurateurs love the holiday season. Along with a steady increase of diners many cater employee holiday parties. This year though seems to be lacking in the general festive cheer. The grand party of last year is being changed for a less expensive version as wallets are being locked away for rainy day funds.

ABC News employees received word last week that their holiday party was a no go this year.

Caterers and party planners are feeling the pinch of bank failures and downsizing. This year they are seeing cancellations and toned down affairs.

As the New York Times reports:

“Everyone is very conscious of the fact that while Rome is burning, we shouldn’t be having a great time,” said Sean Driscoll, a partner in Glorious Food caterers. “Nobody’s ordering caviar as a first course.”

The cutting back makes sense in the business world. With many companies under the microscope for wild spending huge parties that cost a small fortune doesn’t make sense. With the increase of layoffs it could appear to be a slap in the face to those no longer with a job if those still at a desk are treated to lobster and steak while others shuffle through unemployment lines.

Perhaps the grand holiday party days are over and will be replaced with fun filled pot luck dinners. Still some companies may want to throw the mega gala to appear to be on top.

As this year winds down don’t expect a big celebration on your company’s dime. Even if your place of business is doing well they may be keeping up with the Jones by downsizing their party plans.

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